2015 Update: Tiger graduated from the service dog program and was paired with a young girl with autism. He helps by keeping her calm in stressful situations and by providing a fun, comic relief for the rest of the family!
Tiger is doing well in the Service Dog program and has graduated from the puppy program. He is now with a full time trainer and we look forward to following his progress! Tiger has his Penn Hip Clearance (90th percentile).
Mr. Royal has gone on to train with St. Francis Service dogs in Roanoke, VA. He will be part of the Prison Pup program and we look forward to following his career!
I wasn't going to eat those shoes...promise...
Mr. Royal was the first puppy born and is the darkest pup in the litter. He loves to play and sleep. He is a very laid back guy and has an excellent temperament. He has inherited his daddy's big head and beautiful pigment and his mom's straight coat. Overall, he is a lovely pup who is very sweet and loves to be cuddled!